
At Wordsmiths, we believe in doing things with quality. Our prices reflect the utmost care and attention we give to every single piece of written work we receive from our clients, as well as the unparalleled standards of excellence to which we work. Choosing Wordsmiths guarantees you an exceptional and outstanding editing service from experts you can trust.

Final Check

£ 20

per 1000 words
  • Fixes typographical errors
  • Ensures correct punctuation
  • All changes made on Microsoft Track Changes
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
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Proofreading and EditingMost Popular

£ 80

per 1000 words
  • Corrects spelling and punctuation
  • Improves grammar and word choice
  • Alters sentence structure
  • Creates a coherent flow
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£ 160

per 1000 words
  • Native translators
  • A holistic approach
  • Idiomatic language
  • Includes proofreading and editing
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